This is what the Lord says--your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: "I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go. If only you had paid attention to my commands, your peace would have been like a river, your well-being like the waves of the sea." Isaiah 48:17-18
God's commands are always best for us. We ignore His commands at our peril. If we truly desire peace, wholeness and well-being, we will listen to him and obey His moral will. So much of the pain, hurt, degradation, frustration, depression, anxiety, and failure in our lives are the direct results of our disobedience toward God.
God has not given us His commands and statutes to make us miserable. He is not a cosmic killjoy who wishes us to have no fun. In fact, it is just the opposite. God loves us and want us to enjoy life. But, like any good father or mother, He directs us in ways that will result in healthy and joyful living and that will avoid the deep pitfalls that threaten to harm us.
God's commands are like an early warning system. When heeded, we avoid problems that so often result in injury and suffering. When ignored, we expose ourselves to pain and perplexity, sadness and sorrow, frustration and failure.
Let us learn to listen to God's voice and to obey His commands. For, you see, God, our Father, really does know best.
Those who have ears to hear, let them hear.