Important principles to remember for those who march to the beat of the Heavenly Drummer.
by David Rogers
1. Jesus Christ-not America or any political party-is the hope of the world. Mat. 12:21; 1 Tim. 1:1; 1 Pet. 1:3; Acts 4:12
2. Love is the central Christian virtue. We are to love God first, others second; and we are to do everything in love. Mk. 12:30-31; 1 Cor. 16:14; Mt. 5:43-44;
3. We should not be against government, for it is an institution ordained by God. We should be for good government. Rom. 13:1-6
4. Morality matters. Ps. 1:1-3; Gal. 6:8; 1 Thes. 4:1; Rom. 6:23; Ex. 20:3-17; 1 Cor. 6:9-10; 1 Tim. 1:9-10
5. God really cares about the poor, the weak, and the disadvantaged. So should we. Mt. 25:31-46; Prov. 14:31: 19:17
6. Bias against people because of their race or gender is wrong. Gal. 3:28; Col. 3:11; Mk. 12:31; Act 10:34-35; Rom. 2:11
7. We should speak up and seek justice for those who cannot speak for themselves-including the unborn. Prov. 31:8; Amos 5:24; Ps. 82:3-4; 139:13-17; Jer. 1:5
8. People are made in God's image, unlike animals or trees. People are more important than any other part of God's earthly creation. Gen 1:27; Ps. 8:5
9. We should be good stewards of God's earthly creation. God commands it, and it is good for people. Gen. 1:28; Ps. 8:6-8
10. Merely being a Christian does not qualify a person to be a brain surgeon, lawyer, plumber, electrician, or government official. However, faith in the God of the Bible is a necessary starting point for any person to please God, no matter in what capacity he or she may serve. Heb. 11:6; Ps.14:1; Ex. 20:3; Col. 1:9-10
11. God is sovereign. No one becomes the leader of a nation apart from His sovereign will. Dan. 5:18-21; Rom. 13:1
12. Be still. Fret not. God reigns. Nothing can separate us from His love. Ps. 47:7-8; 46:10; 37:7; Rom. 8:38-39